Core Web Vitals: The Ultimate Guide to Optimizing WordPress Performance Skip to main content

Ankur Sharma

Ankur Sharma

WordPress development company

Are you putting effort into building your WordPress website with installed JavaScript and other tools but not seeing the expected traffic? Are you struggling? Do you need help to appear on the first pages of Google search results? Understanding WordPress core web vitals is crucial for boosting your site's Google ranking.


Numerous factors behind the scenes may significantly impact your WordPress development company performance. We've compiled a user-friendly list of essential facts about core web vitals and 18 valuable tips to help you enhance your website and reclaim its desired position. Keep reading to explore how focusing on core web vitals can reshape the future of your website.

What are WordPress Core Web Vitals?

In 2024, Google rolled out core web vitals, a tool designed to enhance the ranking of top-performing websites based on user experience. Core web vitals assess your site's loading speed, responsiveness, and visual stability. The better your performance in these critical areas, the higher your page will appear on Google's Search Engine Results Page (SERP).


Online users prioritize swift interaction with a webpage, precisely what core web vitals aim to gauge. Currently, there are three core web vitals you should be aware of:


1. Largest Contentful Paint (LCP): Focuses on your site's loading performance.

2. Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS): Evaluate your site's visual stability.

3. First Input Delay (FID): Measures your site's interactivity.


Understanding these core web vitals is crucial for optimizing your WordPress website's performance. Once you grasp how your site fares regarding these vitals, interpret the scores'

Testing Your Core Web Vitals Score on WordPress

Testing your Core Web Vitals on WordPress is a straightforward process. Follow these steps to assess your vitals and understand how your website performs:


1. Input Your Domain:


Start by entering your website domain into the testing tool. This initiates a site audit specifically focusing on your core web vitals.


2. Run the Site Audit:


Execute the audit, and the tool will comprehensively review all your core web vitals. It provides individual rankings for major categories, offering you a clear baseline for improvement.


3. Analyze the Results:


The test not only delivers rankings but also helps identify areas where your site might face challenges. Whether it's an issue with ads, images slowing down loading times, or concerns about JavaScript bundles affecting performance, the results provide clarity on what aspects need enhancement.


By running this test, you gain valuable insights into your website's performance and receive actionable data to make informed improvements.

What Is The Importance of Your Core Web Vitals?

Google understands the aspirations of website owners like yourself, aiming to enhance the user experience. However, the task might appear daunting if you need clarification on why your website faces challenges. The key lies in monitoring specific areas and comprehending how to address potential issues, empowering you to craft an improved website through Core Web Vitals.


Focusing on content quality alongside stellar Core Web Vitals catalyzes significant enhancements in your Search Engine Results Page (SERP) ranking. Google recognizes and appreciates websites committed to refining their order, duly promoting them up the search results. This increases your website's visibility and earns recommendations, expanding your reach to a broader audience.


To stand out in the competitive landscape of websites like yours, investing time in understanding and optimizing your website using Core Web Vitals metrics is imperative. This boosts your ranking and ensures a superior overall website experience for your users.

Top 18 Tips to Improve Your WordPress Core Web Vitals

Understanding the significance of core web vitals is the first step towards transforming your WordPress website. Suppose you're wondering where to commence the revitalization process and how to enhance your SERP ranking. In that case, these 21 actionable tips for improving your core web vitals will equip you with the necessary tools to achieve your goals and ensure your website's success.


1. Understand Your LCP (Largest Contentful Paint)


LCP measures the perceived loading speed of your webpage, emphasizing the time it takes for users to feel that all content is loaded. Focus on swiftly loading the first and largest impressionable elements, such as images, text blocks, or advertisements, aiming for an ideal LCP score below 2.5 seconds.


Improvement Strategies:


  • Optimize images by reducing size and quality.
  • Preload LCP images.
  • Compress images to 85%.
  • Utilize asset unloading plugins.
  • Serve images from a CDN.
  • Eliminate render-blocking resources.
  • Optimize fonts.


2. Understand Your FID (First Input Delay)


FID gauges a user's first impression of your website by assessing how quickly they can interact with the content. Achieve a favorable FID score (below 100 milliseconds) to prevent frustrated users encountering delays in clicks, form submissions, or other interactions.


Improvement Strategies:

  • Choose a responsive web hosting platform.
  • Implement a cache plugin like WP Rocket.
  • Defer, delay, or minify JavaScript.
  • Combine CSS and JavaScript where applicable.
  • Remove unused JavaScript.
  • Optimize server response times.


3. Understand Your CLS (Cumulative Layout Shift)


CLS measures layout shifts during webpage loading, preventing unexpected changes that may frustrate users. Maintain a CLS score below 0.1 to ensure a smooth and user-friendly experience.


Improvement Strategies:

  • Identify and address elements causing layout shifts.
  • Specify dimensions for images, videos, and ads.
  • Host fonts on a local server.
  • Use CSS transfer for animations.
  • Optimize CSS delivery.
  • Delay JavaScript to prevent content shifts.


4. Optimize Your WordPress Hosting Selection


Selecting a reliable WordPress hosting provider is paramount for website performance. Optimize servers for WordPress to establish a robust platform for your website's success.


5. Size Down, Relocate, or Defer Images


Large images can significantly impact loading speed. Resize or reposition images on your webpage, considering mobile users, and utilize cache plugins for efficient loading.


6. Eliminate Any Render Blocking Elements


Identify and address render-blocking elements like JavaScript, CSS, and third-party tools to enhance your website's loading speed and user experience.


7. Implement a CDN (Content Delivery Network)


Leverage CDNs to distribute content across servers globally, reducing load times and improving user experience. CDNs also offer additional benefits like crash resistance and SEO solution ranking improvement.


8. Utilize Tools to Monitor Your Core Web Vitals


Tap into Google's suite of tools to measure and optimize core web vitals. Utilize Lab Tools for testing in controlled environments and Field Tools for real-time user experience insights.


9. Make Your Website Mobile Friendly


Prioritize mobile optimization to accommodate most users who access websites via mobile devices. Utilize Google's Mobile Usability Report to identify and rectify potential issues.


10. Review JavaScript and CSS Plugins


Evaluate and optimize external JavaScript and CSS plugins to prevent rendering delays. Minify CSS and JavaScript to reduce file size and improve loading times.


11. Break-Up Long Tasks


Identify and divide long tasks in your website code to enhance loading efficiency. Use Chrome Developer Tools to locate and address lengthy processes.


12. Address Slow Server Response Times


Optimize server response times by selecting a high-performance host, implementing a CDN, and caching assets to improve overall loading speed.


13. Identify Potential Client-Side Rendering Issues


Optimize client-side rendering processes to avoid delays caused by JavaScript. Minimize critical JavaScript, defer unused content, and implement pre-rendering to enhance loading performance.


14. Focus on Interaction Readiness


Ensure quick loading of crucial components with Progressive Loading to improve first-party execution times and overall page reactivity.


15. Use WP Rocket to Fix Render Blocking Scripts


Leverage WP Rocket to defer JavaScript loading, enhancing your FID score. This user-friendly plugin streamlines website performance without requiring intricate technical adjustments.


16 Encode and Repair Dimensionless Images


Optimize images by compressing them, serving them through a CDN, and specifying width and height attributes to prevent content shifts during loading.


17. Reduce Advertisements


Optimize advertisement placement and size to prevent CLS issues. Reserve space for ads, choose optimal sizes based on historical data and avoid placing ads at the top of your page.


18. Focus on the User's Experience


Ultimately, prioritize the user experience in every optimization effort. A seamless, user-friendly website improves core web vitals, ensures user satisfaction, and encourages return visits.


By implementing these tips, you'll enhance your core web vitals and create a website that stands out for its performance and user satisfaction.


Optimizing your WordPress site for Core Web Vitals involves a combination of technical adjustments, content optimization, and continuous monitoring. By prioritizing these aspects, you can create a website that meets Google's criteria and delivers a seamless and efficient user experience. Stay proactive in maintaining and enhancing your website's performance to ensure sustained success in the dynamic digital landscape.