Laravel for eCommerce Development: Building Scalable Online Stores with Ease Skip to main content

Building Scalable Online Stores with Ease

Saurabh Dhariwal

Saurabh Dhariwal

Laravel for ecommerce development

Any e-commerce business would agree that Laravel for e-commerce is an impeccable solution that can deliver an uncompromised user experience and value. The fact that Laravel has been used on over 1.7 million websites worldwide underlines its reputation.


As Laravel can also work as your front and back-end development framework, you don’t need to search for another framework for developing your e-commerce platform. Although these factors and features make the framework an easy choice for Laravel e-commerce development agencies, many businesses are not aware of the framework’s benefits.


Do you want to know why choosing Laravel for your e-commerce platform benefits your customers, platform, and business? Keep reading.

What is Laravel?

In all its simplicity, Laravel is a web app development framework. It boasts an impeccable and expressive syntax that enables creation of beautiful and highly functional websites. An open-source development framework, Laravel uses PHP for developing powerful web apps.


Laravel has become one of the most preferred frameworks in the market for developing powerful e-commerce applications after its release in 2011, InvoiceNinja, Alison, Barchart, etc., are some of the best websites built with the Laravel framework.

Top Features of Laravel for E-Commerce Development

Laravel has diverse features making it an excellent option for e-commerce development for small and large organizations. At AddWeb Solution, we have leveraged the framework to develop various web apps for our clients.


From our experience as a Laravel development company, we found the following features to enable better e-commerce development.


Laravel eCommerce Development Features


User management


When developing e-commerce platforms, implementing a user management feature is of utmost importance. With Laravel, this is extremely easy as it offers a built-in authentication system that efficiently handles user accounts, roles, and permissions.


Product Catalogue


This is the next critical feature that Laravel offers. When building an e-commerce platform, a comprehensive product catalogue is essential for easy product management. Laravel provides robust tools to list, manage, and organize numerous products and add their descriptions and images.


Shopping cart


Laravel also offers shopping carts, another essential aspect of any e-commerce website. Users visiting your e-commerce site require a convenient way to store their selected products, and a shopping cart can make all the difference. Laravel facilitates the smooth implementation of this essential feature.


Payment gateway integration


Integrating a reliable payment gateway is vital to ensure seamless transactions on your e-commerce store. It is also important for users who are conscious of the security of their payments and financial details. Laravel simplifies this process by supporting secured payment methods like Stripe, PayPal, and Braintree. Order management


Efficient order management is crucial for any successful e-commerce venture. Laravel is vastly helpful in this regard, streamlining tasks related to order processing, shipping, tracking, and notifications.


Search and filter


Enhancing the user experience is a priority in e-commerce. Laravel makes incorporating various search and filter options easy, enabling users to find specific items quickly. As they don't need to navigate through every category to choose their product, it can improve user experience and enable quick purchases.


Analytics and Reporting


An effective e-commerce website requires analytics and reporting features. Businesses must make informed decisions based on insights and data. With Laravel, monitoring user behaviour, website performance, and sales reports becomes easy and efficient.


SEO optimization


Ensuring your e-commerce website is search engine optimized is essential for attracting organic traffic. Laravel expands your website's capabilities by enabling URL routines, meta tag management, and canonical URLs. All these ensure SEO-friendliness and better ranking.


Responsive design


A responsive design is necessary for any e-commerce website in today's multi-device world. Laravel ensures that your platform adapts flawlessly to various screen dimensions, whether mobile, tablet, PC, or laptop.


Related Article: Laravel 10 is Released: A Deep Dive Into the Latest Updates and Features

Why Use Laravel for eCommerce Development?

The advantages of developing your e-commerce platform with Laravel are many. When our clients come looking for our advice to develop an e-commerce app, we always prefer Laravel as it offers several benefits to the business and us as a Laravel development agency.


Let’s discuss the same here.


Pre-installed libraries and packages


Laravel offers a variety of pre-installed libraries and packages that are free to use for Laravel developers. These empower the developers with extensive functionality, including high scalability, omnichannel support, autonomous operations, etc., to create robust e-commerce solutions. These packages also help reduce the development cost as they are free to use.


Top-rated security features


Whether you are a small ecommerce company or large, security is paramount. Hence, Laravel ensures top-notch security with its robust server and application security features. This helps businesses protect their e-commerce store, payment gateways, and customer data. Although 100% security cannot be guaranteed, Laravel has stepped the game up with its top-notch security features.


Planning the workflow with ease


Organizing the workflow is crucial for any Laravel development company to develop the best application possible. Laravel simplifies this with its sustainable task scheduling, enabling efficient configuration and management. We have used this and have saved time and cost and ensured a smoother development process.


Pre-developed functionalities


As Laravel offers convenient content management, you can create blog posts, catalogue items, etc., more effortlessly. You also get pre-built themes, which reduces development time and expenses further.


Highly scalable


Laravel makes it easy for ecommerce businesses to scale or transition from older frameworks. As e-commerce businesses grow over time, scalability becomes a crucial element. With Laravel, developers can extend functionalities as needed, making it a highly scalable choice.


Community support


Laravel has an excellent community of developers who offer support and updates to the framework. There are also numerous tutorials that anyone can use from experienced Laravel developers if any member of the community faces any issues.


Easy database migration


Laravel makes database migration easier than ever before. This helps e-commerce businesses quickly and directly expand their database without losing any data. E-commerce businesses find this extremely important as they must constantly run database updates and changes.

Top 5 Laravel E-Commerce Packages, Plugins, and Libraries

With its flexibility and robustness, Laravel has become an important framework for e-commerce businesses that want to grow.


Here are a few important components that make Laravel a convenient framework for app development.


Top eCommerce Packages Plugins and Libraries




This is a framework in Laravel to help you with SEO, managing multi-warehouse inventory, offering multi-currency support, etc. Bagisto also helps businesses create their Laravel ecommerce app from scratch to sell their products and services on multiple channels, ensure custom attributes for better localization, choose shipping methods, etc.




Another open-source framework created by Laravel. This helps businesses integrate payment gateway and manage their orders and products. This is perfectly suitable for businesses of all shapes and sizes that want to grow and expand their service reach. It brings a range of automations scripts, top-notch documentation, and high unit-test coverage for better-performing Laravel ecommerce apps.




This admin panel package for Laravel enables quick and efficient use, media, and access management. Voyager focuses on making your administrative tasks easier and streamlined so that you spend less time on app management and more time on growing your business. It offers a range of features, such as Menu Builder, Database Manager, Compass, etc.




You need Laravel Cashier when integrating with the Stripe payment gateway. This package offers you subscription and invoicing management. Cashier makes it easy for businesses to manage their payment gateways and related services to ensure secure and timely payments. With its simple and expressive UI, users can quickly process their payment without worrying about it.




This JavaScript library enables Laravel developers to create and render 3D graphics onto a web browser. 3D graphics are becoming increasingly popular for businesses that want to sell their products and services online. Creating 3D graphics to present the products in the best way possible to create immersive experiences for users is already adopted by many businesses. Three.js helps you with the same.


Related Article: Everything to Know About Laravel Microservices and Best Practices to Follow

What Makes AddWeb a Reliable Laravel Development

We understand that you are looking to hire a Laravel development agency that can help you create the most immersive and user-friendly ecommerce website for you. And you have come to the right place.


AddWeb Solution is among the best companies offering Laravel development services now.


Experience and expertise


We have over a decade of hands-on experience in the technology field. This has endowed us with impressive industry insights and knowledge that help us create impeccable ecommerce apps every single time. You can check our portfolio here to learn more.


Cost-effective service plans


Our experience with large, small, and medium-sized businesses has helped us learn that everyone has unique budgets per their needs. Hence, we ensure our plans can meet their budgetary requirements every single time.


Qualified Laravel developers Our team consists of the best and most highly qualified Laravel developers. They have worked on diverse projects for clients worldwide, making them the best people to work on your project.


Top-notch development help


You can contact our client support team no matter what support you need with your Laravel development project. They are professional and experienced in supporting clients like you. Hence, all your concerns will be addressed professionally and promptly.


Advanced tech infrastructure


At AddWeb Solution, we have some of the most advanced tools, systems, and infrastructure to work on projects. This ensures that each project uses the best and most advanced technologies available at the time for an exceptional ecommerce Laravel app.


Creating an ecommerce app is both a challenge and an opportunity. If done correctly, you can create the next big business that can capture the imagination of your users. However, the support of an expert and capable Laravel development company is crucial in this regard. Therefore, seek an expert Laravel developer to help you before you start working on your project.


If you are searching for such a reliable brand, AddWeb Solution can help you. With years of experience, qualified teams of Laravel experts, and an extensive infrastructure designed to deliver the best ecommerce apps, we can help you. Our services are also affordable and customized to fit your needs. Connect with us to learn more about our Laravel development services and how we can work together to create the best ecommerce app for you in Laravel.