Laravel Web App Development: 11 Types of Web Apps You Can Build with Laravel Skip to main content

11 Types of Web Apps You Can Build with Laravel

Saurabh Dhariwal

Saurabh Dhariwal

Laravel Web App Development - Types of apps you can build with Laravel

Web applications have become highly in demand in recent times. Businesses in diverse industries are trying to capitalize on the possibilities of web apps. One of the top technologies used to build these apps is Laravel, which now powers over 136,000 websites worldwide. This shows that businesses and web application development company widely prefer Laravel.


So, the obvious question is—what makes Laravel so unique? And what are the types of web applications that one can build with Laravel?


In our experience as a top Laravel development company, we have found Laravel to be highly versatile and robust. And in this blog, we are discussing the types of web apps you can create with Laravel.

What is Laravel?

Developed by Taylor Otwell in June 2011, Laravel is a web development framework created in PHP. It enabled web developers to use pre-written code libraries when creating websites and web applications.


The chief objective of Laravel is to make coding simple, quick, and efficient. The platform makes development quick and error-free by providing in-built capabilities for commonly used features, such as routing, caching, sessions, authentication, etc.


This is one of the primary reasons businesses and web app development agencies prefer Laravel over other frameworks.

Top Features of Laravel

Laravel has multiple features and capabilities, making it a conducive framework for web app development. Every web app developer at AddWeb Solution loves it.


Here are some of the top Laravel features that we love.


Features of Laravel


Eloquent ORM (Object-Relational Mapping)


A standout feature of Laravel is its sophisticated Eloquent ORM. This enables developers to communicate with the database using an expressive and intuitive syntax. This feature streamlines database operations, enabling faster and more efficient data retrieval and manipulation.


Blade templating engine


Laravel's Blade templating engine offers a powerful and efficient way to design dynamic and reusable views. Blade templates facilitate code organization and cleaner separation between logic and presentation with simple, expressive syntax. You can use this to create modular and consistent layouts for reduced code duplication and enhanced maintainability.


Artisan command-line interface


Laravel's command-line interface, Artisan, empowers Laravel developers with a wide range of built-in commands to expedite common development tasks. It helps develop the skeleton code and structure of the database and migrate the same, making it easier to manage the database efficiently.


MVC architecture support


As Laravel supports the MVC architecture, it enables multiple developers to work on the same project and speed up the development process. Using this feature, one developer can work on the view allowing another programmer to work on the controller for creating business logic.


Built-in authentication


Laravel streamlines the implementation of user authentication through its built-in authentication system. Developers can set up user registration, login, and password reset functionality with just a few commands. These features allow developers to define access control policies effortlessly.


Related Article11 Successful Websites Developed Using Laravel

11 Types of Web Apps That Can Be Developed with Laravel

Now that you have seen the features and advantages of the Laravel framework, let's try to understand the type of web apps you can develop with Laravel.


Real estate apps


Most real estate prospects rely on great images and videos of properties to make their decision. And you can develop such highly functional websites with beautiful images and videos with Laravel. You can easily engage your audience with such websites.


Laravel also enables you to access diverse listings and property information with IDX and MLS integration, making the app suitable for showcasing thousands of properties effectively. An example of such a website is Great Colorado Homes.


E-learning and academic web apps


You can build excellent e-learning applications and academic platforms using Laravel. One of the challenges of building such portals is that they need vast databases that may be hard to manage. However, with Laravel, you can use massive databases and scale them for future needs.


With Laravel development, you may also integrate a range of features, such as newsletter subscriptions, social sharing, and signup/login with the learning app.


One example of such an app is Canvas, among the top web applications built using Laravel.


Patient and hospital management apps


For a hospital, managing its operations and patients is a crucial task. With the help of Laravel, you can create powerful patient portals and hospital management apps. It offers the stability and flexibility to create robust apps that handle enormous user demands.


Laravel is the best choice for such apps as it allows for smooth and accurate data transfer from and to the database.


An example of such a platform is Healthjump.


University and school management apps


Like hospital apps we have just discussed, university and school management apps also need reliable communication to and from the database. Even the tiniest of errors can create a cascade of concerns in the platform.


With Laravel, you can easily create powerful and robust school and university management apps to effectively meet your operations management goals.


ERP system apps


Every business needs to manage, plan, and use its resources optimally. This is where Enterprise Resource Planning or ERP software can help effectively manage material and human resources. Laravel is an exceptional framework for building such apps as it has numerous in-built code libraries. Developers can use them to add many features to an ERP app.


CRM system app


Building solid relationships with customers is crucial for all businesses. And many businesses use CRM or Customer Relationship Management apps. You can rely on the capabilities of Laravel to build robust CRM apps to improve your customer relationships.


As Laravel has several features and code libraries to leverage, you can add as many capabilities and functionalities as you need to the app.


HubSpot is a famous example of CRM software.


B2B web apps


Many businesses sell their products and services to other businesses. If you are in such a business, Laravel can help you. With Laravel's extensive web app development capabilities, you can build robust, intuitive, and beautiful websites to cater to your audience's needs.


As Laravel also has numerous security features, businesses can rely on the framework ultimately to offer secure services to other businesses.


Booking web app


Another platform that businesses can create with the Laravel framework: booking web apps. Whether you want to enable users to book tickets for travel, shows, hotels, concerts, movies, or sports matches, Laravel can help.


These apps rely on speed and efficiency more than anything while also being able to meet colossal traffic. Thanks to its capable development features, Laravel can help you with all these factors.


One of the most prominent examples of such an app is Trivago.


Forum web apps


People who love common ideas, arts, movies, or sports create forums to come together and interact with each other. While discussion forums differ from most websites, they need proper moderation and interactive capabilities. And Laravel can offer it in plenty.


You can quickly build forums using the pre-built libraries in Laravel with all the functionalities you need for your forum to be highly functional and reliable.


Workflow management apps


If you are a business and looking to build a workflow management app, Laravel can help. This can help you take your business remote and bring down the cost of operations for better profitability.


With Laravel's MVC architecture and other development capabilities, you can quickly develop workflow and document management apps with great functionalities.


An excellent example of such an app is Notion.


Ecommerce sites and stores


Creating online stores with all the features and capabilities can be done with Laravel now. Whether you want to sell your products to international, national, or local audiences, you can do it with a web app created with Laravel. The framework makes this possible with the Bagisto ecommerce development option, the native platform created with Laravel specifically for online stores.


It brings many options, such as product listing, shopping cart, payment gateway, SEO, and everything you need to create an impeccable online store with Laravel.


An example of such an online store is Daalder, one of the top web applications built using Laravel.


Related Article: Laravel for eCommerce Development: Building Scalable Online Stores with Ease

How AddWeb Solution Can Help You with Laravel Development

Being an experienced Laravel development company with diverse, successful projects in our bag, AddWeb Solution can develop any web app that you need with Laravel. We take full advantage of the framework and its capabilities to deliver the best web apps for each client.


In our efforts to constantly deliver the best services, the following service qualities make us one of the most reliable names in the market.


Decade of experience


We have over a decade of experience in web app development. Diverse businesses worldwide from diverse niches have worked with us to meet their web app development requirements. Our experts channel this expertise to help our new clients with all their projects.


Team Laravel experts


Our team of Laravel developers is one of the best in the field. Not only are they qualified and skilled in developing Laravel web apps, but they are also trained to keep up with the changes happening in the field. Hence, you always get the latest updates and capabilities of Laravel.


Customized offerings


We know that every business is trying to achieve its unique goals. Hence, they need tailor-made Laravel web app development services to help them with their singular needs. Realizing this, we always deliver customized service packages for each client.


Cost-effective services


All businesses try to bring down their costs to improve their profitability. Therefore, we always offer our clients economical Laravel web app development services. Our multiple package offerings enable you to pick a package that meets your budgetary needs perfectly.


Modern tech infrastructure


Our team believes in technology and changes happening in the field. Therefore, we have the most advanced tech infrastructure for Laravel development. This helps us deliver top-notch web apps for you regardless of your quality expectations when you hire Laravel developers from AddWeb.


Laravel web apps can help your business reach customers faster and more effectively. Compared to native and hybrid apps, web apps are easier to develop and take less time to deploy. And it is easier for users to access the same. They don’t need to download it from an app store and install it. Users can also use the same, no matter their device type. All these benefits make web apps an excellent choice for all types of businesses—particularly startups and small businesses.


However, to take advantage of Laravel web apps, you must work with an expert Laravel web app development company who can help you. That’s what AddWeb Solution does for all our clients. We leverage our industry exposure and Laravel development capabilities to build powerful web apps in no time. As we have done this for many clients before, we can do it precisely as you need. Our Laravel web app development team can help you cost-effectively bring your web app vision to life.